Thursday, February 17, 2011


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sorry, I've been Busy.

I was currently dropped from a mandatory class I needed to take to graduate, I had to change two of my classes last week to fit into my schedule to get 18 credits to graduate. I'm currently been catching up on both these classes, and will be almost done. I've been slowly designing the props and masks in animation so that i can start making the movie soon.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Side Project.

So, To help me to enhance my belief in the purpose of these hahoe masks. I've wanted to experiment on how these masks can help me to open myself up more to the public by doing and expressing things that I enjoy. Of course the idea would be to fit into someone else's shoes and to give myself this confidence by wearing these masks as I perform this public experiment. Ill have updates on it soon. Especially when I recreate the mask of the Fool

The First Redesigned Mask

Scratching the old masks, I've made another one thats being made now with the label of Aristocrat, but after designing the eye, I wanted to change it so it might be used for another masks.

Draw Thee Mask

Up top are some of the type of masks that I drew in the image of the classical Hahoe masks that came out the be a bad idea.

With Professor David's approach I've drew more abstract masks below

these are of the mask for the aristocrat

the fool


I've been lacking to update my blog lately so I shall update more often from now on. Everything that I have did over the last semester was a horrible ending as I finally figured out that what I was doing was not something that my IP critique did not want to see. Rather they wanted me to create an animation about the masks so, being in a state of despair. I took professor Shaun's advice on talking with Professor David Chung to help me with my IP project. Ive met up with Professor David last Tuesday to discuss the possibilities of what I can do with the amount of time that I have. He purposed that I create an animation based on the masks that I create. Having made 4 of the original masks, he told me to not just recreate these masks to what they already are but to redesign and refigure the masks to a more modern look or more abstract approach. He suggested that I recreate them in the image of what I see in the Asian American culture in the United States. Being inspired from this he told me to just draw and draw masks that represent each mask to help me find a mask worth fitting and to redesign. So these past week, I've been drawing and drawing to find mask with the characteristic of what I think the stereotype would be. Images will be posted on the next Blog. but to show the animation here is the link.

A two week project.